Mutual trade opportunities were on the menu at a joint webinar hosted by the department of trade, industry and competition (dtic) and the Chile South Africa Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Tourism yesterday.
Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Fikile Majola, said that the webinar aimed to provide a platform for South African companies to promote their products and services to potential new customers in Chile. It was also an opportunity for companies to understand the requirements that needed to be adhered to and the assistance available to successfully facilitate trade.
He said the department had undertaken its first scoping mission to Chile in July 2013 - and based on those findings the sectors identified for trade and investment ranged from capital equipment and industrial vehicles to agro-processing, waste management and water distribution.
According to the dtic South Africa’s exports to Chile amounted to R730 million last year, with imports from Chile amounting to R1.3 billion.