Decrease in export restrictions on food, feed and fertilisers a “silver lining”.
A weaker rand and strong demand in the Northern hemisphere have driven prices upwards.
SAPS drone pilots deployed in Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal formed part of the national operation.
The growth of online retail is anticipated to decelerate significantly compared to immediate post-Covid times.
It includes millions in financial aid as part of Pepfar funding.
The trade union has called for the rate-cutting cycle to continue, but the risk of rising inflation could hamper further cuts.
The country is also well on its way to exiting the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list, says National Treasury.
Mining companies must take responsibility for rehabilitating mines, says mineral resources and energy minister Gwede Mantashe.
Economists have forecast that the SA Reserve Bank will drop the repo rate next week, although inflation is expected to rise.
The goal is to advance several shared priority objectives, including scaling trade and utilisation of Agoa.
Firms are forced to adapt at speed to rising protectionism and shifting geopolitical alliances, WEF told.
The government and private sector must embrace innovative funding models to finance infrastructure development.
Without course corrections, most low-income countries are unlikely to graduate to middle-income status by mid-century.